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A popular children's board game in France, the goal of the "Game of the Goose" ("Le jeu de l'oie") is to race your opponent until square #63.

"Le jeu de l'oie"

"It's All My Fault" Digital Board Game (2018)

Website layout and promotional digital magazine based on the theme of games, more specifically the 'Game of the Goose' board game.

All photographs and typefaces belong to their copyright holders and were not produced by me.


Collages designed using Adobe Photoshop CC, website coded from scratch using HTML and CSS.




Cover gallery

A selection of cover options designed for 'DECADENCE' magazine. The final cover for the 'Game of the Goose' issue is featured in the centre.

Each section of the magazine featured desaturated images tinted in one of the palette's eight colours.

Designing "DECADENCE"

Designing a cover

A simple design was used for the cover, to allow the viewer to focus on the featured cover image. The publication's logo was slightly tilted to create a sense of disruption and modernity.



Cutting mat grid

The layout was inserted into a cutting mat grid to give the finished website a material, physical feel. The final colour palette used a classic green cutting mat in combination with a blue, ochre, orange, white and dark grey palette.

Digital collages

A collection of collages made in the 'Game of the Goose' design system.

The website was conceived as a digital 'Game of the Goose', with all 63 squares of the original board game.

All headings and titles were made using the 'Playfair Display' typeface in digitally-rendered paper cut-outs.

The digital board game

"DECADENCE" magazine

To support the new 'Game of the Goose' layout, a promotional magazine was designed, highlighting all the updates included with the new design.

Colour palette

For the magazine, the 'Game of the Goose' web palette was expanded to include pink, red, green and indigo.

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